MLS Parks Meeting (5/20/23)
- Welcome
- Thank you for being here today
- Thanks to my staff and the Parks team, specifically Director Ellis, Marvin Billups, Paige Singer, Caleb Wyttenmyer
- And Thank you also to Project Manager Vineet Nagarkar and Park Ranger Denoriss Curtis who are here today.
- Board Action I have taken in my 1st 100+ days
- District structure and org chart
- Caroline- CoS, Walter – project manager parks/trails/DOT/EV, Andy – housing/zoning/transit/MARTA, Andrew – new summer comms intern
- Communications
- Newsletter – sign up on my new website
- Social media – You can find me on FB and IG
- Website –
- CRM – please email for any requests for service, missed sanitation pick-ups, roadway complaints, potholes, water billing issues and the like.
- Training
- NACo
- DeKalb Tours
- Tax commissioner
- Fire Rescue
- DeKalb Jail with Sheriff
- Animal services in Chamblee and Lifeline’s DeKalb location
- Pratt Recycling Center
- Upcoming Tours: Community Service Board, Marshalls Office, Police
- MLS board appointments
- DeKalb CSB
- Callanwolde
- Appointments
- District structure and org chart
- Caroline, please list new appointments/reappointments-
- Mark Goldman – Zoning Board of Appeals
- Wardell Castles- Animal Advisory
- Sally Sears- Park Advisory
- Doug Miller – Airport Advisory Board
- Susan Neugent – Charter Review Commission
- Nancy Love – SPLOST Oversight
- Community Council – Allen Venet, Tim Miner, Bruce MacGregor, Mary Hinkel, John Turner, Ron Nawrocki, Ted Daniel
- Caroline, please list vacancies- Planning Commissioner, Water Billing Advisory Board, Community Council, Watershed Capital Improvements Program Advisory Group
- Committee assignments
My lead up to taking office was what I called a “listening and learning journey” in the 5 Ps – people, pets, potholes, parks, and public safety. Over my first four months in office, we have focused on building a solid D2 team, establishing constituent communications mechanisms and platforms, and completing various new commissioner trainings, tours, site visits, and the ARC’s community planning academy.
Your District 2 team hit the ground running to strategize and identify key priorities to focus on this year. As always, my top priority is YOU – being available, responsive and accountable to our county’s citizens. Additional key priorities include:
- Conducting research, convening experts and identifying legislation to address DeKalb’s housing and homelessness problems;
- Convening with environmental leaders, bringing awareness through a proclamation, providing resources and identifying expansion and enhancement opportunities for our parks, trails, green space and public art;
- Addressing the animal shelter overpopulation and other critical issues impacting animal services;
- Mapping out a path forward with the introduction of a SPLOST resolution and working with the administration to identify projects in District 2; and
- Identifying critical needs that fall into the eligible expense categories provided for by the American Rescue Plan Act.
In addition, we are conducting research, mobilizing resources, and monitoring other critical issue areas that we look forward to engaging in meaningfully and intentionally in the very near future. These areas include:
- Championing and designing approaches to innovative health and wellness solutions;
- Leading and partnering with other community leaders on sustainability initiatives;
- Launching a women’s initiative in DeKalb;
- Developing a robust and diverse leadership pipeline;
- Collaborating with the DeKalb County Board of Education; and
- Providing resources and training opportunities for entrepreneurs.
- Pending Board Action
- Prospera
- Stride Ahead
- Proclamations
- Friends of Parks on May 23 @ 9 am @ Maloof Auditorium
- Park Pride in July
- Side Note: June 2nd for next Virtual meeting for Park Pride Grant Info Session – attendance mandatory for grant eligibility for awards over $5,000. Register for free at
- Suicide Prevention Week in September
- National Hispanic Heritage Month in September
- World Kindness Day in November
- resolution
- Surveys
- legislation
- Next steps
SPLOST II Timeline for November 7, 2023 (29 Day Call)
Begin Meetings with City Attorneys to finalize Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs)2 | June 19, 2023 |
Last date to send notice of City/County meeting3 | August 25, 2023 |
Last day to hold City/County meeting | September 5, 2023 |
Last date to execute the Intergovernmental Agreements with the Cities | September 25, 2023 |
Last regular BOC meeting date to adopt SPLOST IIResolution 4 | September 26, 2023 |
Last Date to send the Resolution to the election superintendent for issuance of the Call5 | September 26, 2023 |
Last date to send Call to Champion Newspaper for publication prior to Call Deadline6 | September 27, 2023 |
Last date for the Issuance and Publication of Call for the Special Election7 | October 9, 2023(Published on October 5, 2023) |
Last date to send Notice of Election to Champion Newspaper for publication prior to the Election | October 4, 2023 |
Dates for publication of notice of the election8 | October 12, 2023October 19, 2023October 26, 2023November 2, 2023 |
Election Date | November 7, 2023 |
- citizen oversight
- what do you want to see
- District Office Needs
- Policy and Planning Director
- Community Council Appointments
- Communications/Constituent Outreach Coordinator
- Specific to OLPA and Druid Hills
- Deepdene Drainage project update– Pond (selected design and engineering firm), has completed the survey information needed to create the existing conditions report. Once the report is completed, we intend on setting up a meeting with the community to share the results. The meetings should be scheduled in early summer.
- Rutledge Stormwater Drainage project– WSP Pond (selected design and engineering firm), has submitted a proposal to conduct the stream restoration. We are currently waiting on the change order on the contract to begin work.
- WD Thomson Stormwater Drainage project – Foresite (selected design and engineering firm), has begun the existing conditions survey of the stream and stream bank. Similar to Deepdene, once the report is completed, we will set up a meeting to share with the community.
- Zonolite Stormwater drainage project, and extension on Briarcliff Road Bridge path down to Southfork Peachtree Creek land. We have determined a concept for the stream based on the existing conditions report that was shared with the community, once the alignment has been created for the stream, we are going to stake the alignment at the park before beginning the final design. D2 is encouraging GDOT to include new sidewalks to connect the new bridge on Briarcliff over the South Fork Peachtree Creek and a new trail connection down to the DeKalb County purchased flood plane land (3 acres) beside the South Fork Peachtree Creek. SPLOST funding is available to supplement GDOT’s budget
- Safety concerns @ Blackmon and Scott Boulevard. GDOT is putting together some recommended changes to that intersection to improve ped safety in light of the tragic accident that occurred there last year.
- GDOT Ponce de Leon work at E. Lake, Artwood, N. Parkwood,
- D2 has been meeting with GDOT and residents on Artwood and Ponce de Leon (led by Sydney Cleland) to discuss serious issues residents are facing from high-speed traffic on Ponce and frequent crashes occurring due to left turn lane onto Artwood, poor visibility, and low bridge clearance for trucks. GDOT traffic operations has generated a list of recommended immediate improvements including:
1) Supplemental signal head at Scott Boulevard and West Ponce De Leon
2) Add additional school crossing signs
3) Reposition horizontal alignment signs
4) Replace U.S. & state route signage at bridge
5) Adjust signal timing during peak hours at Ponce de Leon at Artwood
6) Intersection warning signs at Ponce de Leon near Ridgecrest
7) Additional warning signs for large trucks to move to the left lane as they approach the curving hill from the west
8) Replacement of the curve warning signs to avoid road diversions coming from the east
9) Improved signage alerting drivers to Fernbank Science Center access on Artwood
10) Replacement of the light under the bridge alerting trucks to the low clearance problem
11) Pruning of vegetative overgrowth blocking signs and reducing visibility
- GDOT stakeholder meeting for roundabouts at E. Lake and Parkwood will be held at the end of this month. A Public Information Open House (PIOH) meeting will occur later this year and we will help publicize this matter for citizens to attend.
- Rapid Beacon Crossings (Citadel, Chalmette, Ridgewood, Harvard). Permits issued except for Harvard intersection where some Right-of-Way (ROW) needs to be acquired.
- N. Decatur Roundabout Construction and redesign – Transportation recently submitted a change order to redesign and improve mini roundabouts. Please note crossings and signage are still being added and it will take some time to change driver’s habits.
- Druid Hills Sidewalk Repair Study Design – Study is complete and as funding becomes available for sidewalk repairs, we will be able to act.
- Fernbank updates
- Emory Village Overlay updates – Working with EVA and DeKalb Planning Department to finalize text amendments. Made quick changes to allow Savi to open with Beer and Wine Sales.
- Emory Trail Scoping Study – Currently Transportation Division and PATH Foundation are working with stakeholders with a possible community meeting on June 5 to look at early results.
- PATH from Medlock to N. DeKalb Mall under design
- Sidewalk on Medlock Rd – $500,000 in SPLOST funds allocated to completing the work. Waiting for on-call contract
- Sidewalks on Scott Blvd Willow to N. Decatur – Permit issued and waiting for on-call contractor to begin work.
- Mason Mill Master Plan Update/Recreation Center Feasibility – new plan will be posted on website. Getting started with Tennis Center pyramid redesign and new space for Ranger Jonah with restrooms at trailhead. Holding off on Mack Love Building as we discuss programming needs for this space. Still exploring other options for location of a new D2 Recreation Center.
- Briarlake Forest Park
- Pendergrast Ribbon Cutting 3/23 – $510,000 total cost to build
- Briarlake Forest – total cost was $308,643 for the Pavilion Conversion
- Frazier Rowe Visioning ($25,530) for master plan purposes and Stream Restoration – The final Master Plan needs to be completed which will then determine the layout of the stream restoration study (ARP funds) – about $225,000 funds allocated to stormwater mitigation study.
- GDOT sidewalk project on LaVista, GDOT Clairmont Road project (now running only from I-85 to the Roundabout at the Greek Orthodox Church – no longer building sidewalks to LaVista.
- Small Area Plan update at Clairmont/N. Decatur and Sage Hill/Briarcliff. Waiting for Planning Department to move forward – potentially as part of an LCI application in the near future.
- Planned future Fire Station at Johnson Ferry and Ashford Dunwoody. Also, potential at Briarcliff/North Druid Hills/ CHOA.
- Briarlake/Briarcliff DWM, Transportation and Stormwater projects update – Projects are being coordinated through ARCADIS (engineering firm)
- Briarlake Sewerline Improvement Project – Sewer Main replacement project under way right now. Community virtual meeting held 5/18 with Department of Watershed Management. Briarlake Road will be closed after Memorial Day and we hope it will be reopened before school begins in August. A total of 1240 linear feet will be replaced with 600 feet in the roadway.
- Briarlake Turn Lane Project – This Transportation project will go out to bid after the Sewer Main project begins. County will not be closing the road to complete this project.
- Briarcliff/Briarlake Stormwater Project – This project is still moving through the Right-of-Way (ROW) acquisition and will commence after the other two projects have finished.
- Trail Updates/crossing at Audubon/Briarcliff Heights – Project is moving forward in design and easement acquisition. Tree survey was recently completed and final offer of Easement purchase is in process to land owners at the end of Audubon. Likely will be late 2023 before trail construction can begin.
- Margaret Harris Stormwater – The PATH alignment is being finalized which will be incorporated into the stream restoration project. Once those plans are completed, we will prepare the proposal for Margaret Harris.
- Future Peachtree Creek Greenway in D2 – Which section?
- Crestline Sidewalks designed (needs construction funding) – Study was completed. Need to allocate funds to complete project – TBD
- North Druid Hills/Valley Brook Complete Street Scoping Study – ($474,000 ARC Livable Centers Initiative Study) a Public Information Open House (PIOH) was held in early May to get input from area residents and other stakeholders about how to create more bike and pedestrian friendly access along NDH Road from Briarcliff to Ponce de Leon
- Requested Federal Funding for schoolyards program (Woodward and Cross Keys) – made it through first round of the federal request process.
- Frazier Rowe
- Frazier Rowe Visioning – This $25,530 study will create a new master plan
- Frazier Rowe Stormwater Drainage Project –The final Master Plan needs to be completed which will then determine the layout of the stream restoration study (ARP funds) – funds allocated to study. (currently $225,000 in ARP allocated the Stream Restoration Study)
- Margaret Harris Stormwater – The PATH alignment is being finalized which will be incorporated into the stream restoration project. Once those plans are completed, we will prepare the proposal for Margaret Harris.
- Turtle Creek Bridge Repair – awaiting Roads and Drainage report on the AECOM (on-call engineering firm for the county) preliminary design study. $500,000 in SPLOST currently reserved for the project
- GDOT sidewalk project on LaVista, GDOT Clairmont Road project (now running only from I-85 to the Roundabout at the Greek Orthodox Church – no longer building sidewalks to LaVista.
- Clairmont/Audubon Pedestrian Safety – DeKalb County will request this pedestrian safety crossing during permitting for the Clairmont Road improvement project by GDOT. Have reserved $50,000 to cover cost of installing a ped crosswalk signal.
- Briarlake/Briarcliff – Department of Watershed Management (DWM), Transportation and Stormwater projects update – Projects are being coordinated through ARCADIS (engineering firm)
1.Briarlake Sewerline Improvement Project – Sewer Main replacement project under way right now. Community virtual meeting held 5/18 with Department of Watershed Management. Briarlake Road will be closed after Memorial Day and we hope it will be reopened before school begins in August. A total of 1240 linear feet will be replaced with 600 feet in the roadway.
- Briarlake Turn Lane Project – This Transportation project will go out to bid after the Sewer Main project begins. County will not be closing the road to complete this project.
- Briarcliff/Briarlake Stormwater Project – This project is still moving through the Right-of-Way acquisition and will commence after the other two projects have finished.
- Small Area Plan update at Clairmont/N. Decatur and Sage Hill/Briarcliff. Waiting for Planning Department to move forward – potentially as part of an LCI application in the near future.
- Planned future Fire Station at Johnson Ferry and Ashford Dunwoody. Also, potential at Briarcliff/North Druid Hills/ CHOA.
- N. DeKalb Mall Update – Demolition has begun (see AJC article from 5/18/23). PATH Trail planning is underway from Medlock to North DeKalb Mall.