D2 Project Detail Document

Source Budget $ Transportation Department #ERROR! SPLOST Trails (Countywide) #ERROR! SPLOST sidewalks (Countywide) $ 2,113,426 *Aspiration, based on SPLOST Team initial determination (from initial ranking for D2 projects) SPLOST D2 Discretionary $ 1,000,000 Clairmont to Briarcliff Trail Project approved by BOC on 9/4/22 Parks Department #ERROR! Parks Bond $ 790,000 D2 Discretionary portion of Bond funds D2 Capital Fund $ 970,000 Derived from 3 years of discretionary budget send to Captial Account. *D2 Discretionary (FY 2022) $ 30,000 Needs to be committed or transferred to a Capital Account by end of 2022 *D2 Discretionary (FY 2023) $ 300,000 Budget approval on February 28, 2023 will determine amount *ARP, D2 (1st Tranche) $ 1,500,000 Caroline programs for Covid and other institutional puposes *ARP, D2 (2nd Tranche) $ 957,143 per POETA dated 3/7/23 ARP Countywide (1st Tranche) #ERROR! Primarily PE costs for stormwater improvement projects in D2 ARP Countywide (2nd Tranche) #ERROR! Aspirational – estimated construction costs from PE estimates SPLOST GDOT Match From county-wide SPLOST funds for state/federal match funds. East Rock Springs. North Druid Hills bridge. SPLOST Funded Match for Rock Springs $ 90,000 GDOT LMIG funds (80% of project costs) Cumberland at Rocksprings Rd SPLOST Mini Roundabouts Mini Roundabouts at Springdale and Oakdale SPLOST Signals Match $ 50,000 GDOT LMIG funds (80% of project costs) Pedestrian signals, 4 on Briarcliff, N Decatur, Briarlake. TOTAL #ERROR! D2 Discretionary Total #ERROR! * Fixed Funding Amounts

D2 Park Tour 2023 Details

MLS Parks Meeting (5/20/23) Agenda PRIORITIES: My lead up to taking office was what I called a “listening and learning journey” in the 5 Ps – people, pets, potholes, parks, and public safety. Over my first four months in office, we have focused on building a solid D2 team, establishing constituent communications mechanisms and platforms, and completing various new commissioner trainings, tours, site visits, and the ARC’s community planning academy.  Your District 2 team hit the ground running to strategize and identify key priorities to focus on this year. As always, my top priority is YOU – being available, responsive and accountable to our county’s citizens. Additional key priorities include: In addition, we are conducting research, mobilizing resources, and monitoring other critical issue areas that we look forward to engaging in meaningfully and intentionally in the very near future. These areas include: SPLOST II Timeline for November 7, 2023 (29 Day Call) Begin Meetings with City Attorneys to finalize Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs)2 June 19, 2023 Last date to send notice of City/County meeting3 August 25, 2023 Last day to hold City/County meeting September 5, 2023 Last date to execute the Intergovernmental Agreements with the Cities September 25, 2023 Last regular BOC meeting date to adopt SPLOST IIResolution 4 September 26, 2023 Last Date to send the Resolution to the election superintendent for issuance of the Call5 September 26, 2023 Last date to send Call to Champion Newspaper for publication prior to Call Deadline6 September 27, 2023 Last date for the Issuance and Publication of Call for the Special Election7 October 9, 2023(Published on October 5, 2023) Last date to send Notice of Election to Champion Newspaper for publication prior to the Election October 4, 2023 Dates for publication of notice of the election8 October 12, 2023October 19, 2023October 26, 2023November 2, 2023 Election Date November 7, 2023 1) Supplemental signal head at Scott Boulevard and  West Ponce De Leon  2) Add additional school crossing signs  3) Reposition horizontal alignment signs  4) Replace U.S. & state route signage at bridge  5) Adjust signal timing during peak hours at Ponce de Leon at Artwood  6) Intersection warning signs at Ponce de Leon near Ridgecrest  7) Additional warning signs for large trucks to move to the left lane as they approach the curving hill from the west  8) Replacement of the curve warning signs to avoid road diversions coming from the east  9) Improved signage alerting drivers to Fernbank Science Center access on Artwood  10) Replacement of the light under the bridge alerting trucks to the low clearance problem  11) Pruning of vegetative overgrowth blocking signs and reducing visibility 1.Briarlake Sewerline Improvement Project – Sewer Main replacement project under way right now.  Community virtual meeting held 5/18 with Department of Watershed Management. Briarlake Road will be closed after Memorial Day and we hope it will be reopened before school begins in August. A total of 1240 linear feet will be replaced with 600 feet in the roadway.

May Newsletter

Our Website and Social Media is Live! Check our website out at https://www.michellelongspears.com Follow us on our social media platforms and receive updates regularly! District 2 Park Tour 2023 and Beyond This month’s park tour was truly a delight, and I was thrilled to share updates and insights with many of you. From Governor Kemp signing the SPLOST 2 Legislation, my SPLOST resolution advocating for citizen participation in new project lists, establishing priorities, to the updates on the Mason Mill Park Master Plan and the Recreation Center Feasibility report status – we’ve certainly covered a lot of ground. Reflecting on my initial period in office, I think back to what I call the “listening and learning journey” across the 5 Ps – people, pets, potholes, parks, and public safety. In these initial months, we’ve built a solid District 2 team, established communication platforms and protocols for constituents, and completed various new commissioner trainings, tours, site visits, and the ARC’s Community Planning Academy. Now, our team is swiftly moving forward – strategizing and planning key priorities for the year ahead. As always, my top priority is YOU – being available, responsive, and accountable to our county’s citizens. Work continues on many District 2 roadway projects, from pedestrian crossings, signal upgrades and roadway safety concerns addressed by DeKalb Transportation and the Georgia Department of Transportation, to paving, potholes, stormwater issues and water & sewer upgrades under DeKalb’s Watershed and Public Works Departments.  We are addressing your infrastructure needs. In addition, we are addressing issues related to park projects, animal services, and housing and homelessness, as well as leveraging SPLOST and ARC funding to accomplish the many needed projects in District 2. I am looking forward to sharing more information with you later in the year on how we are innovatively and creatively tackling these issues. We are looking forward to future park meetings later in the year. If you would like me to join you in your park, at a meeting, or in your neighborhood, please reach out to Caroline Enloe at clenloe@dekalbcountyga.gov to set up. BOC ACTION I’m excited to share the latest initiatives and efforts we’ve embarked on in District 2 to support our diverse community. First, I’m pleased to announce a grant of $30,000 to Stride Ahead Inc. This support will fund Equine Therapy at Little Creek Horse Farm, promoting mental health and personal development. The allocation comes directly from District 2’s American Rescue Plan funding and underlines our commitment to innovative and impactful approaches to health and wellness. In addition to this, we’ve also allocated $50,000 to Prospera for a Latino Entrepreneurship Program in DeKalb County. This initiative will provide education, technical assistance, and capital support to Latino entrepreneurs in our area. By investing in this program, we are fostering a more inclusive economy and supporting the growth of diverse businesses in our county. Finally, our SPLOST 2 Resolution, an important piece of legislation that calls for a public engagement process in identifying SPLOST-2 funded projects, was approved 6-0. This resolution seeks to ensure that citizen feedback, data-driven decision making, and transparency are at the heart of decisions about how and where SPLOST 2 funding should be allocated. The potential for a second SPLOST is scheduled to be on the ballot in November and this process invites community members to take an active role in shaping the future of our county. We will announce community input meetings that will be taking place over the summer. On the evening of May 17th, I will be in Mason Mill Park at the Recreation Center for an update on the Mason Mill Park Master Plan and a report on the feasibility study for a new recreation center in D2.   Saturday, May 20th will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Deepdene Park, followed by 11:30 a.m. in Briarlake Forest Park, and then I will round out the day with a visit to Frazier Rowe Park at 1:30 p.m. to greet volunteers and hear feedback from citizens on a new vision for Frazier Rowe Park. I look forward to spending the evening at the Beacon Hill for Black Alliance for Human Rights’ FunkFest in Decatur where we will honor and welcome home community elders from the historic Beacon Hill community. Of special note, Brookhaven Councilwoman Madeleine Simmons has invited me to her virtual townhall on May 22nd to speak with Brookhaven residents. At the last Board of Commissioners meeting on May 23rd at 9 a.m., I will honor DeKalb’s Friends of Park Volunteers with a Proclamation thanking them for countless hours of service in DeKalb County parks. Please join me for any and all of these events next month! Honoring DeKalb Friends of Parks Groups A Proclamation of Appreciation and a Promise of Renewal All throughout DeKalb County, volunteers have dedicated countless hours to the beautification and improvement of our local parks. In May, it was my distinct honor to recognize the DeKalb Friends of Parks groups with a proclamation, acknowledging the immense value their tireless efforts bring to our community spaces. May 23rd has now been officially proclaimed “Friends of Parks Day” in DeKalb County! These volunteers, over 19,000 of our neighbors, have clocked in over 68,000 hours to uplift our shared green spaces. Their collective work fosters not only aesthetic improvements, but also nurtures the spirit of community, and for this, we extend our profound gratitude. If you’ve ever enjoyed a day at one of our parks, you’ve felt the impact of their dedication. As we look forward, we are thrilled to announce that the next cycle of grant funding from Park Pride is imminent. This is an exciting opportunity for parks in need of a little extra care to apply for. Through Park Pride’s Grantmaking Program, we have the chance to apply for various improvements, ranging from new playgrounds, trails, and exercise equipment to informational signage, rain gardens, and art installations. I encourage interested parties to attend the upcoming virtual information session for unincorporated DeKalb on June 2. This

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