State Of Dekalb Animals Address
Commissioner Michelle Long Spears

Dr. Gloria Dorsey

DeKalb County Sheriff Melody Maddox

Claudine Wilkins, Esq.

Professor Lisa Milot, Esq.

Professor Lisa Milot, Esq.
DeKalb has been working hard to address the needs of our furry friends and to identify solutions to the current challenges. Most recently, the administration’s FY23 Mid-Year Budget included $941,752 to the Animal Services’ operating budget. This included $200,000 to establish a pilot program to encourage the fostering of animals and to aid pet owners in reducing the number of animals surrendered to the shelter; $144,000 for a mobile veterinary clinic to provide veterinary services to areas most in need; funding to purchase an upgraded camera system; additional cages for the animal shelter; and, an additional $600,000 for Lifeline Animal Project’s contract to operate the animal shelter. I also worked to include $25,000 in this budget amendment specifically for a needs assessment and community outreach related to the expansion of the animal shelter. The general fund contributions to capital also include $1.6 million for an overflow facility to address the shelter overpopulation issue.
In addition to this action, I learned that the administration ordered a specialized vacuum cleaning system designed for kennels to aid in cleaning. DeKalb County also committed to additional cleaning throughout the week to augment the cleaning that the shelter currently provides. I know these funding allocations and immediate action will support the work of Lifeline Animal Project in managing the crisis overpopulation and cleaning issues at DeKalb’s shelter.
Recently, I introduced a resolution urging the administration to adopt the DeKalb County Animal Services Advisory Board’s (DCASAB) 5-point Plan for a Better Tomorrow that outlines five goals to address many of the challenges you have shared with my office. This item will be on the November 8th Board of Commissioners meeting agenda.
Lastly, I am excited to announce that the D2 office is hosting a State of DeKalb Animals Address in 2024 to share information, learn from experts, and strategize for the future of our pets. We are looking for volunteers to help plan this important event. Please email Sonia Tyler at if you are available to help. Stay tuned!