Welcome New Board Member Appointments
As my first official duty as District 2 Commissioner, I made several appointments at my first Board meeting. I recorded appointments for Mark Goldman to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Doug Miller to the Peachtree DeKalb Airport Advisory Board, Susan Neugent to the Charter Review Commission and Wardell Castles to the Animal Advisory Board. The Board also approved my appointment of Sally Sears to the Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs Citizen Advisory Board. I want to thank these citizens for their dedicated service to District 2 and for continuing to communicate and represent perspectives of the citizens. If you are interested in serving on a board or commission in District 2, please contact my office at 404-371-2863 or mlspears@dekalbcountyga.gov.
Happy New Year!
As we kick off 2023, it’s easy to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in DeKalb with video messages from Commissioner Spears. Subscribe to her YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@commissionermichellelongspears
Central DeKalb Senior Center Celebrates 8th Anniversary
Central DeKalb Senior Center (CDSC) Seniors are happy to be back in action. Whether in Moovin & Groovin classes, the Art Studio or taking trips to Emory’s Emerson Hall for the Cooke Noontime Violin and Piano Concert, these seniors, under the extraordinary leadership of Victoria Kingsland, are on the go and enjoying opportunities for growth and community. Won’t you join them? Learn more about CDSC at Central DeKalb Senior Center | DeKalb County GA

DeKalb BOC Kicks Off New Year
On Tuesday, Jan. 10th the Board of Commissioners approved Commissioner Robert Patrick, District 1, as Presiding Officer and Commissioner Mereda Davis Johnson, District 5, as Deputy Presiding Officer. In their second year as officers of the Commission, these two Commissioners presided over the first board meeting of 2023 without any hiccups. I am excited to be working with these commissioners and look forward to a great year! Additionally, I want to congratulate Commissioner Larry Johnson and Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson on their reelection to office. I have so much to learn as a new commissioner on the board and will be leaning on these seasoned public servants for guidance and collaboration.